Changeling: The Dreaming 2nd Ed *OP (World of Darkness), by Lemke, Ian, Cassada, Jackie, Campbell, Brian, Dansky, Richard
Changeling: The Dreaming, A Storytelling Game of Modern Fantasy, by Chupp, Sam, Lemke, Ian, Timbrook, Joshua Gabriel
Changeling: the Lost, by Jess Hartley,Travis Stout,Chuck Wendig,Matt McFarland
Fools Luck: Way of the Commoner (Changeling, the Dreaming), by McKinney, Deena,Marchinton, Buck
Immortal Eyes: Court of All Kings (Changeling: The Dreaming), by Rea, Nicky
Kithbook: Nockers (Changeling: The Dreaming), by Skemp, Ethan,Howard, Christopher
Kithbook: Pooka (Changeling: The Dreaming), by McCoy, Angel
Pour L'Amour Et Liberte: The Book of Houses, No. 2 (Changeling: the Dreaming), by White Wolf
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