Dungeon Adventures Magazine, Issue #8 (November/December 1987), by
Dungeon Magazine, Issue 11 (May/June 1988) by Barbara G. Young (1988-05-03), by
Dungeon Magazine, Issue 21, by Bernard Wilkins
The Thing at the Threshold (Call of Cthulhu), by Paul McConnell
Dragon Mountain (AD&D 2nd Ed. Fantasy Roleplaying), by Lidberg, Paul, McComb, Colin
For the People Wargame The American Civil War 1861-1865, by
Havoc RPG Magazine Issue Zero, by
Bearers of Jade (The Second Book of the Shadowlands), by Chris Helper
TSR Marvel Super HeroesThe Left Hand of Eternity G+, by Ray Winninger
Legacy of Disaster (Legend of the Five Rings), by Brian Yoon
Scarce RPG GM Screen Uny-Con Rochester 2004, by
Pathfinder Chronicles: Seekers of Secrets - A Guide to the Pathfinder Society, by Jacobs, James
Shadowsfall Shadow Plane Player's Compantion Pathfinder RPG, by Dale McCoy Jr
TSR UK Fantasy Worlds 2 1987 VG++, by
Pathfinder Player Companion: Dragon Empires Primer, by Hitchcock, Tim,McComb, Colin
Soverign Stone Campaign Sourcebook d20 Signed Elmore Weis, Perrin, Chambers, Kidwell, by Kidwell, Chambers, Perrin
Cybergeneration (2nd Edition), by Michael Pondsmith
AD&D Catacombs of the Necromancers for Return to the Tomb of Horrors, by
Referee's Screen (Space 1889 Sci-Fi Roleplaying), by GDW Staff
Gryphon Magazine Spring 1981 No 3, by
Gryphon Magazine Fall 1980 #2 RPG, by
Judges Guild Free Portly Pomp Catalog Fantasy and Science Fiction Rare, by
Goblin Lake Pocket Adventure RPG Tunnels & Trolls, by Ken St Andre
The Dungeoneer #7 March-April 1978 VG++, by
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