Azamar RPG Players Guide, by
Dungeon Master Screen (CHALLENGER DUNGEONS AND DRAGONS), by Woodruff, Teuwynn
Ares Magazine, Special Edition #2, by
Ares Magazine RPG Gaming Magazine #17 Final Issue, by
Gamescience Hex Book for RPGs, by Zocchi
Gamescience Graph and Hex Book RPG, by Zocchi
BH1 Boot Hill Mad Mesa RPG Module, by Jerry Epperson, Tom Moldvay
Flashpak Cyberpunk Gaming Utility, by
The Polyhedron Magazine, Issue #7 (Volume 2, Number 4) July 1982 (TSR / RPGA) (The Polyhedron Magazine, Volume 2), by
A Fist Full O' Ghost Rock: The Great Rail Wars (Deadlands), by
Streets of Gems The Companions Bath Maine RPG Module, by Peter L Rice
Plague of Terror: Modular Town Adventure (Islandian Campaign Series), by Wm. John Wheeler
Deadlands Doomtown Ashes to Ashes The Agency Sealed Deck, by
Harnlore, Issue 1 (Harn Fantasy System), by staff
D&D 4e Dungeons and Dragons Dungeon Tiles Master Set The Dungeon, by
D&D 4e Dungeons & Dragons The City Dungeon Tiles Master Set The City, by
Polyhedron Newszine Issue #10. Volume 3, Number 1., by E. Gary Gygax
Spheres of Guile Pathfinder VG++, by Various
The Polyhedron Magazine, Issue #9 (Volume 2, Number 6) Nov. 1982 (TSR / RPGA) (The Polyhedron Magazine, Volume 2), by TSR / RPGA Staff & E. Gary Gygax
The Polyhedron Magazine, Issue #8 (Volume 2, Number 5) Sept. 1982 (TSR / RPGA) (The Polyhedron Magazine, Volume 2), by Frank Mentzer (editer-in-chief), TSR & RPGA Staff (contributors), Bob Walters (cover artist), E. Gary Gygax (publisher)
Rifts Adventure Sourcebook 1: Chi-Town 'Burbs, by Siembieda, Kevin
Castle Book II; Campaign Aid for Fantasy Role Playing Game, by Bledsaw, Bob
Gurps Imperial Rome, by Carella, C. J.
Tercio: Wargame Rules & Army Lists 1480-1700, by Peter Harris
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