GURPS Atomic Horror 2ed, by Elliott, Paul
GURPS Basic Set: Characters, Fourth Edition, by Pulver, David,Jackson, Steve
GURPS Bio-Tech *OP (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Jackson, Steve,Pulver, David
GURPS Bunnies & Burrows, by
GURPS Conan, by Curtis Scott
GURPS Conspiracy X, by M. Alexander Jurkal
Gurps Cyberpunk: High-Tech Low-Life Roleplaying, by Blankenship, Loyd
Gurps Cyberworld: High-Tech Low-Life in the One-And-Twenty, by Hume, Paul
Gurps Imperial Rome, by Carella, C. J.
GURPS Mage The Ascension *OP (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Schroeck, Robert M.
GURPS Myth (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Seabolt, Gene
GURPS Reign of Steel, by Pulver, David
GURPS Robots (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Pulver, David
GURPS Screampunk *OSI (Steve Jackson Games), by Ramsay, Jo
Gurps Space Adventures: Voyages to Interstellar Danger, by Koke, Jeff, Jackson, Steve, Gressman, Thomas, Pulver, David
Gurps Space Atlas: A Compendium of World for Interstellar Roleplaying, by Steve; and Barton, William A. Jackson
GURPS Supers: Wild Cards, by Martin, George R. R.,Miller, John J.,Jackson, Steve
GURPS Swashbucklers, by Goodwin, Russell
GURPS The Prisoner Roleplaying In The Village, by Steve Jackson,David Ladyman
Gurps Time Travel Adventures (Voyages Through History...and Beyond!), by Steve Jackson
GURPS Traveller Planetary Survey 4: Glisten, by James Maliszewski
GURPS Traveller: First In, by Zeigler, Jon F.
GURPS Vampire Companion *OP (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by McCubbin, Chris W.
GURPS Vehicles (GURPS: Generic Universal Role Playing System), by Pulver, David
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