Report FRA-OR&D-76-07 Operation of High Speed Passenger Trains in Rail Freight Corridors, by Robert K Abbott
Improving Railroad Teminal Control Systems, by Staff
Northeastern Vermont Railroads, by Dolores e. ham
Granite Monthly XVIII Compilation A New Hampshire Magazine, by Various
Railroad Voices: Narratives by Linda Niemann, Photographs by Lina Bertucci, by Niemann, Linda,Bertucci, Lina
Budd car: The RDC story, by Crouse, Chuck.
The Coming of the Train: The Hoosac Tunnell & Wilmington and Deerfield River Railroads and The Industries They Served Volume 1 1870 to 1900, by Brian A. Donelson
Railroads of the Pine Tree State, Vol. 2, by G. Donald Marson,Brian Jennison
When the Maine Central Railroad Went to Sea: Train boats and boat trains, by Ascher, John P
The Circus of Dr. Lao (A Bantam Giant, A1519), by
The Crookedest Railroad in the World, by Wurm, Graves
ICS Railway Mail Maps, 1-11 International Correspondence Schools, by Staff
The Monson Railroad, by Whitney, Roger A
Niles Cars Sales Catalog SW Repro, by Staff
The World Railway System, by Fontgalland, Bernard de
The Railway Educational Bureau Railroad Technical Training Catalog, by
Productivity in U.S. Railroads, by Kerr, Arnold D.
Fishbones: Hoboing in the 1930's, by Stevens, Irving L.
The Sunrise Route: A History of the Railroads of Washington County, Maine, by Michael W. Zimmermann
A Deepness in the Sky, by Vinge, Vernor
HeroQuest Return of the Witch Lord Quest Pack, by Staff
RuneQuest Kellar's Keep Quest Pack, by Staff
Small Railroads, by Levine, Harvey A.
Handbook of Railroad Track Standards May 1990, by HQ, Dept of Army and Air Force
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