Sailor On the Seas of Fate, by Moorcock, Michael
Spacetime Donuts, by Rucker, Rudy
The Rifter #29 Your Guide to the Megaverse, by Palladium Books
Rifter Volume 36, by
Rifts RPG: The Rifter? #37, by
The World of Krynn, Dl16 (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance Accessory), by Gray, Michael, Niles, Douglas
Dimension Book 14 Thundercloud Galaxy, by
Infernum: Book Of The Tormentor, by Hanrahan, Gareth
The Rifter [Your Guide to the Megaverse] #27, by kevin Siembieda
The Rifter: Your Guide to the Megaverse #22, by Shawn Merrow
The Rifter #25, by Staff
Player's Survival Kit: Book, Adventurer's Log, and Cards, 2nd Edition (Advanced Dungeons & Dragons), by Rateliff, John D.
Heroes Unlimited G.M.'s Guide, by Kevin Siembieda, Wayne Breaux
Battletech Master Rules (Battletech Series), by
Spirit west, Rifts world book 15, by Wayne Breaux
The Rifter 32, by Rifter
Rifter #53, by Staff
Rifts Game Master Reference Screen, by Kevin Siembieda
The Rifter #8 (Vol 8), by Pal
Rifter, by Steven Trustrum
Player's Option: Heroes of Shadow: A 4th Edition D&D Supplement, by Wizards RPG Team
Fantastic Personalities: A Judges Guild Universal Fantasy Supplement, by Edward R.G. Mortimer, Bill Paley
Pegasus Magazine, Issue 12, by Bob Bledsaw
City State of the Invincible Overlord, Revised Edition, by Owen
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