Imperial Entanglements (Star Wars RPG), by Stephen Crane
Character Travelogue (Legend of the Five Rings, 4500), by
Arisia '94 Speculative Media Conference Jan 21-23 1994 Program, by Staff
EABA: No Boundaries Role Playing, by
The Complete Book of Eldritch Might (d20 3.5 Fantasy Roleplaying), by Monte Cook
Spycraft Version 2.0, by Flagg, Alex,Gearin, Scott,Kapera, Patrick
Marked for Death (Feng Shui) by Bruce A Baugh, John Tynes (1996) Paperback, by Bruce A Baugh,John Tynes
Morrow Project Liberation at Riverton (Project File R-001), by
The Morrow Project R-002 Damocles, by H.N. Voss
Operation Lucifer (Morrow Project, File R003) (Morrow Project, File R003), by H.N. Voss,Joseph Benedetto Jr.
Operation Lonestar (Morrow Project File R-006), by
Starnaman Incident (Morrow Project File R-005), by
Desert Search (Morrow Project, File R007), by Joseph Benedetto Jr,H.N. Voss
Forged in Magic (D&D D20), by
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Corebook *OP (Buffy the Vampire Slayer Core Rulebooks), by Golden, Christopher,Carella, C.J.
STARGATE SG1 Friends and Foes, by Patterson, Meredith
Cloudships & Gunboats (Space: 1889) [BOX SET], by
Space 1889: Science Fiction Role Playing in a More Civilized Time, by Chadwick, Frank
Ironclads & Ether Flyers: Aeronaval Combat for Space 1889, by Frank Chadwick
Jeremiah The Roleplaying Game, by Various
Jeremiah: Thunder Mountain, by Agnew, S.
Babylon 5 2nd Edition - The Cold Equations, by Sprange, Matthew
HackMaster: Annihilate the Giants, by Morgan, Don,Johansson, Steve
HackMaster: The Spellslinger's Guide to Wurld Domination, by Morgan,Kolman,Kenzer,Johansson,Jelke,Jolly R. Blackburn
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