Guildbook: Pardoners & Puppeteers (Wraith: The Oblivion), by Rea, Nicky,Grove, Heather,Ditchburn, Elizabeth,Cassada, Jackie
*OP Guildbook Sandmen (Wraith - The Oblivion Guildbook Series), by Fischi, Beth
*OP Chicago Chronicles 1 (Vampire: The Masquerade Novels) (v. 1), by Greenberg, Andrew, Rein, Mark, Crow, Steve
Pour L'Amour Et Liberte: The Book of Houses, No. 2 (Changeling: the Dreaming), by White Wolf
Hunter Witch Finders, by White Wolf
Creature Collection: Core Rulebook (Sword and Sorcery), by Staff, SSS, Spencer, Ron, Davis, Guy
*OP Under A Blood Red Moon, by Harris, Tony
Rokea: Changing Breed Book 8 (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by McFarland, Matthew
Ananasi: Changing Breed Book 7 (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Brooks, Brett, Moore, James
Mokole: Changing Breed Book 6 (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Spencer, Ron, Rebner, Jeff, Prescott, Steve, Comer, James
Werewolf: The Apocalypse, by Bill Bridges,Mark Reinhagen
Vampire Players Guide, Revised Edition (Vampire: the Masquerade), by Braidwood, Anne Sullivan,Bowen, Carl,Blackwelder, Kraig
Predators (Werewolf: The Forsaken), by Dembski-Bowden, Aaron
Litany of the Tribes 2 (GF,F, GW) (Litany Series , Vol 2), by Timbrook, Joshua
*OP Litany of the Tribes 4 (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by
Clanbook: Lasombra, by Bruce Baugh
Guardians of the Caerns (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Marchinton, Forrest, Howard, Chris, Skemp, Ethan
HOL: Human Occupied Landfill (Black Dog), by Staff
Players Guide to Low Clans - A Sourcebook for Dark Ages: Vampire, by Bush, Zack
Aberrant, by White Wolf Publishing
Blood Sacrifice: The Thaumaturgy Companion (Vampire: The Masquerade), by Marmell, Ari, Shomshak, Dean
Book of the Wyld *OP (Werewolf: The Apocalypse), by Dansky, Richard, Hennessy, Shannon, Clark-Fleishman, Lisa, Jones, Rick
Werewolf: The Apocalypse, by Campbell, Brian
Dragons of the East *OP (Mage: The Ascension), by Long, Steve, Kiley, Ellen, Gregory, Christine, Armor, Bryan
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