Through the Breach Recruitment Drive Free RPG Day 2015, by Mason Crawford
Ravenstar RPG (1000), by A Siddiqui
Bending the Landscape: Fantasy, by Tanya Huff, Robin Wayne Bailey, Jessica Amanda Salmonson, Don Bassingthwaite, Simon Sheppard, Lisa S. Sliverthorne, Ellen Kushner, Mark Shepherd
Daredevils, by Paul Hume, Bob Charrette
Azamar RPG Players Guide, by
Gamescience Hex Book for RPGs, by Zocchi
Gamescience Graph and Hex Book RPG, by Zocchi
Orcs of the High Mountains RPG, by Jerry Meyer, Jr
TSR Catalog 1995, by N/A
Citybook IV: On the Road, by Paul Jaquay
Macho Women with Guns, by Greg Porter
Archaen Codex (Talislanta RPG), by unknown
Talislanta: Thystram's Collectanea, 3rd Edition, by Stephan Michael Sechi
Tales from the Floating Vagabond, by Lee Garvin, Nick Atlas, John Huff
Advanced Bestiary, by Sernett, Matthew
Gary Gygax's Living Fantasy: Gygaxian Fantasy Worlds, Vol. 3, by Gygax, Gary
Tome of the Dragon (Hero's Journey), by Noah McLaughlin
Valence 592, by Betts, Fredericks, Garrison, Heikkila
Through the Breach The Fatemaster's Almanac, by Mack Martin
Skull and Crossbones: Roleplay on the Spanish Main [BOX SET], by
Setting Guide: History, Empires, and Aliens (Metascape: Guild Space), by staff
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